Over the past 40 years Lawson Heights Mall has partnered with hundreds of non-profit organizations in our community. Each year Lawson supports many non-profit organizations by helping increase awareness and support fundraising campaigns through on-site events and promotions, sponsorships, donations, and providing space for information booths.
Lawson Heights Mall is proud to partner with the following organizations:
Interval House:
Lawson Heights Mall has helped our community by collecting clothing, toiletries, bedding and monetary donation for women fleeing from domestic violence. Watch for our campaign In Safe Hands during the holiday season to help make a difference.
Haven House:
Lawson Heights Mall is a proud to support Haven House collecting clothing, baby food, diapers and toys for children in crisis. Watch for our campaign In Safe Hands during the holiday season to help make a difference.
Autism Services:
Every Holiday Season Lawson Heights Mall partners with Autism Services to provide sensory sensitive hours to visit with Santa. Lawson believes all children should be able to enjoy the fun and magic that the holiday season brings. New in 2024, Lawson Heights provided sensory sensitive hours for Easter activities as well.
Ride for Dad:
Every June Lawson Heights Mall supports Ride for Dad during their motorcycle ride to bring awareness to the community about prostate cancer.
Family Services of Saskatoon:
New in 2024, Lawson Heights Mall partnered with Family Services of Saskatoon (FSS) and Saskatoon Media Group to bring awareness about the effects of mental health in our community and the supports FSS provides during their first radio marathon. We hope to see this partnership continue in to and annual event.
Information Booths
We welcome non-profit groups to set up information booths for help increase awareness or fundraise for their cause. We are also happy to provide space for community events (based on availability).
Only approved organizations may set up in the mall. If your request is approved, your organization will be required to complete a temporary lease agreement and provide written proof of general liability insurance, minimum value $5 million, with specific requirements. Groups must also agree to abide by our standard rules and regulations.
Donations + Sponsorship
Each year Lawson Heights Mall receives hundreds of donation requests. In order to ensure that we are helping as many organizations as possible, all requests are reviewed on an individual basis.
If you would like to request a donation or sponsorship, please email your request and event details to lawson@morguard.com.